Qiskit Developer Certification 준비기(2) - 시험 출제 내용
본 포스팅은 아래 링크의 IBM Certified Associate Developer - Quantum Computation using Qiskit v0.2X 를 준비하며 작성되었습니다.
IBM Training
사이트에 시험에서 다루는 내용 중 어떤것들이 출제되는지 상세히 기재되어있다.
Each certification exam question falls into one of these objectives:
Section 1: Perform Operations on Quantum Circuits (47%)
- Construct multi-qubit quantum registers
- Measure quantum circuits in classical registers
- Use single-qubit gates
- Use multi-qubit gates
- Use barrier operations
- Return the circuit depth
- Extend quantum circuits
- Return the OpenQASM string for a circuit
Section 2: Executing Experiments (3%)
- Execute a quantum circuit
Section 3: Implement BasicAer: Python-based Simulators (3%)
- Use the available simulators
Section 4: Implement QASM (1%)
- Read a QASM file and string
Section 5: Compare and Contrast Quantum Information (10%) https://qiskit.org/learn/course/basics-quantum-information
- Use classical and quantum registers
- Use operators
- Measure fidelity
Section 6: Return the Experiment Results (7%)
- Return and understand the histogram data of an experiment
- Return and understand the statevector of an experiment
- Return and understand the unitary of an experiment
Section 7: Use Qiskit Tools (1%)
- Monitor the status of a job instance
Section 8: Display and Use System Information (3%)
- Perform operations around the Qiskit version
- Use information gained from %qiskit_backend_overview
Section 9: Construct Visualizations (19%)
- Draw a circuit
- Plot a histogram of data
- Plot a Bloch multivector
- Plot a Bloch vector
- Plot a Q-sphere
- Plot a density matrix
- Plot a gate map with error rates
Section 10: Access Aer Provider (6%) https://qiskit.org/documentation/locale/ko_KR/tutorials/simulators/1_aer_provider.html
- Access a statevector_simulator backend
- Access a qasm_simulator backend
- Access a unitary_simulator backend
각 영역에 대한 qiskit document / textbook 들을 링크해두었다. 최신 자료를 링크해두었기에 시험 출제 코드와 링크 코드가 다를 수 있다. (특히 Aer.....)